Centre Progress

Centre Progress

Amazing progress at the Centre. The building has been massively improved for the community and will be used: during weekdays by Explorers Wraparound Childcare, providing complete childcare for children aged 0-11 in a nurturing environment; Tuesdays and Friday evenings...
Table Top Sale & Cafe

Table Top Sale & Cafe

A Table Top Sale and Cafe held on Saturday 22nd October, raised £275. We are chipping away at our £100,000 target. If you want to help raise funds, or volunteer – practical help with refurbishment, social media, helping with youth sessions etc etc – we would love to...
Centre Progress


Following an application and presentation to Dorset County Council yesterday, we have just heard that we have been awarded a grant for the full £15,000 requested. The Contracts and Grants Officer stated that the panel were impressed by our application and presentation...
Centre Progress

The Centre – Saved!

We have done it! We have taken over the Swanage Youth and Community Centre, on behalf of the Community. In partnership with Swanage Town Council, Swanage and Purbeck Development Trust has reached agreement with Dorset County Council and will be taking occupation on 19...
Fun Day Feedback

Fun Day Feedback

Around 200 people went to the Fun Day and all were positive about the Trust taking on the youth & community centre and expanding to wider community use as The Centre.image004 Here are a few quotes and pictures: “Great place for activities for all ages, abilities...