by Colin Baines | Jun 2016 | Latest News
Around 200 people went to the Fun Day and all were positive about the Trust taking on the youth & community centre and expanding to wider community use as The Centre.image004 Here are a few quotes and pictures: “Great place for activities for all ages, abilities...
by Colin Baines | May 2016 | Latest News
Please come to a Fun Day on 4 June to celebrate, see what is planned and contribute your ideas. DCC approved a report, on 25th May, 2016, confirming that they will be handing the current Youth and Community Centre over to Swanage Town Council on or around 1st...
by Colin Baines | Mar 2016 | Latest News
In a Joint Venture with Swanage Town Council the SPDT has submitted a bid to take over the Centre. The Vision is to create a Vibrant Social Hub at the Heart of the Community, that promotes health, wellbeing, safeguarding and empowerment through the provision of a...