The Centre : Our Vision

The long-term vision for the Centre is “a Vibrant Social Hub at the Heart of the Community”.

It will promote health, wellbeing, safeguarding and empowerment through the provision of a sustainable programme of: youth sessions; learning/training courses; and a range of recreational, arts, sporting, and environmental activities and services. There will be inclusive access for children and families, young people and the wider community to address social and economic deprivation.

Aims & Objectives

Based on Local Needs

Provide support to local Children and families offering a safe environment for children, greater family independence to support themselves and become more prosperous

  • Support Young people by helping them: achieve healthy lifestyles; establish independence; and increase prosperity both for them and the area generally
  • Provide support to vulnerable people living locally to alleviate isolation and encourage healthy living and increased independence
  • Support in the wider Community to generate a “joined up” approach to Community service and social interaction
  • Develop a sustainable long term project to support the local Community


The Centre building was constructed in the 1960s as a youth and community centre by Dorset County Council.

The freehold of the building was taken on by The Swanage & Purbeck Development Trust in October 2016 when Dorset County Council closed all youth club buildings. Subsequently, the Trust refurbished and improved the building for wider community use, opening in April 2017, and is a thriving venue for community activities and uses.